BookAllBookeLearning Design

The eLearning Designer’s Handbook: A Practical Guide to the eLearning Development Process for New eLearning Designers 

This book is written by eLearning guru Tim Slade and updated over the years. It covers the following topics that are closely related to the day-to-day job of an instru...

  • Plan your eLearning project by conducting a kickoff meeting with your stakeholders.
  • Conduct a needs analysis and recommend a training solution.
  • Draft an eLearning project plan and development timeline.
  • Define the learning objectives and create a blended training solution.
  • Collect and organize your learning content into a design document.
  • Create a course outline and draft a storyboard of your eLearning course.
  • Create a prototype and develop your course with an eLearning authoring tool.
  • Incorporate interactivity into your eLearning course.
  • Reduce cognitive load and increase learning retention.
  • Deliver and measure the effectiveness of your eLearning course.
  • Conduct a retrospective at the end of your project.

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